Monday, March 24, 2008

It is not Wise to Destroy that which Takes Care of You

I've been thinking, how can we overcome all the really nasty things that are happening right now, here in Alberta, without pushing against them?

I realize that pushing against them is just helping them push back and no one is ever going to make a wonderful world that way. Just look at all the people praying for peace. What do we have? War.

We must feel peace in order to have peace.

Here is a quote from a wonderful organization known as the Intenders. Great Group, look them up.

So, here's how we can have a nuclear free Alberta!

Think Green


It is not wise to destroy that which takes care of you

As we apply the Ninth Intent of The Code by envisioning, and thus beginning to create our ideal world, one of the first things that will go by the wayside is the use of nuclear energy.

We simply won't be needing nuclear energy in the golden age we are stepping into, and so we might as well begin by getting rid of all nuclear devices right now.

That even includes the use of X-rays. Some people say, "Well, it's okay for us to use radiation for X-rays, but we don't want it for larger purposes, " but they're missing the point. Radiation in any form is debilitating on the human body. It harms more than it helps.

We've been conditioned to believe that X-rays allow us the only view into the physical body, however this is not true. There are many who are psychic now who can use their talents to look inside the body to help their fellowman. And there are many more who are on the verge of realizing their psychic skills if they would but develop their abilities.

So, let's be even clearer. We don't need nuclear energy for anything, and we never did. The use of nuclear energy is a lot more serious than we have been led to believe.

We've been told that bringing it into an area will bolster a sagging economy, or provide more jobs, or spread around a few more million dollars, but at what cost? Is it really worth it?

Our saving grace lies in our intuition. We have to learn to trust our inner feelings about things like this.

We know, for example, that nuclear energy is dangerous, and yet we continue to take it so lightly, like it is nothing to bring some Cobalt-60 into a neighborhood to irradiate our food.

Or, it is nothing to build a nuclear power plant right next to a populated beach. (Or in our case 20 neuclear reactors on the two largest rivers that run into the Arctic Ocean) JMT. Something just doesn't feel right about that.

Please understand that it is not my purpose to talk about gloom and doom here. I'm simply saying that our priorities are way out of whack.

We don't need nuclear energy, and it's time to do something about it.

Along with practicing The Ninth Intent of The Code we can demand of our leaders that all the research on free energy that's been hidden for decades be made public and implemented as soon as possible; we can begin to replace all nuclear power plants with hydroelectric and any of the many other alternatives available to us; and we can begin dismantling every nuclear weapon on this Earth immediately, and not stop until all of them are gone forever.

That is my firm intention. In fact, let's take it a step further. My inner guidance assures me that when I am in need of turning any doubts, negative thoughts, and/or dark energies around, the most proficient way of doing so is to call in help from the higher realms and command these dark things away with all the inner strength I can muster.

So I'm going to do that now: I command, in the name of The Father, His Son, Jesus Christ, all of God's Holiest Angels, The Highest Good, and myself that all nuclear energies depart from this planet now and that all nuclear weaponry is dismantled and ceases to exist upon this Earth as of this moment.Be Gone Now!

Do you align with me?

So be it and so it is.

My Intention for today is:

I Intend that I am living in a perfectly pristine, healthy, and safe environment.

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